Tuesday, October 1, 2013

No more better off as an animal

Our elder son Hrishi is quite a merry heart and most of the time remains engrossed in his dreamy world like his father. Very fussy about good food and believes that life always gives him a better chance tomorrow and so no hurry for today(Though years' of life experiences have hardened his father's attitude by now to grab some opportunity coming on the way) . Obviously, he often gets ticked off by his demanding mother. The other day, he didn’t remember his Computer Practical mark which was declared in the class. My wife came to know about the declaration of the result in the class from Mrs X while discussing about the doomed fate of her son. When asked, why he forgot his mark, he coolly replied  that he had other important matters to think of when the teacher was declaring the result.

So, he  once again received a good warning. My wife declared that he would have been better off as an animal and was wrongly sent to the world by God as a human. Hrishi got angry and came to me whining that indeed he would have been better off as an animal.

So I asked him which animal he wanted to be.

“Obviously a Tiger”. Pat came the answer.

I was very delighted. Tiger is also my revered animal. It symbolizes pride. My son must have understood the value of pride at a tender age. And why not ! After all he carries my blood in his vein !

So I asked him “Why do you want to become a Tiger ?”

He replied instantly “I will eat only non-veg and Mama can’t push that awful vegetable stuff down my throat. There is no school for tiger and I can go for hunting occasionally as I wish and sleep all the day. Also as a Tiger, I can live inside a Tiger Project safely”.

" But you always get hurt when you see the tiger hunting the deer in National Geography."

" But Papa, when I am a tiger, I will no longer be a rational animal. So I will be quite happy to hunt"
I understood, our son had already learnt the initial lessons of being practical in life.
I advised him not to commit the mistake of telling his mother the above. What I didn’t tell him that Tiger is no more safe inside the Tiger project. Whatever is written in the books may not be correct in the real world.

You can contact Kamaljit at kamaljitmedhi1975@gmail.com

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