The Dhaka incident has shocked the entire world. Its sad but not surprising.
Going to a reputed school doesn't make a person secular. Seeds of secularism is sowed in an individual at home by the parents and the surrounding . Acceptance of diversity doesn't come on its own when people grow up from childhood on religious overdose and hatred for others.
My faith and my belief , when I look back, has the roots on what I was taught at home. I rarely observe the rituals and like father, do it sometimes not out of belief but as a couteous gesture. Does that make me a bad element for our society ? Acceptance on what I am is a sign of a matured society. Yes, with my parents, I learned to share sorrow with people irrespective of religion and caste. I didn't enjoy the firecrackers at my place as well the day Indira Gandhi was shot fatally ! I mourned with my family in silence.
People say no religion teaches you hatred. It is entirely wrong. The core of every religion is "follow me or else you go to hell". Religion never accepts pluralism. It teaches its superiority over others. Simply it can't be democratic and thats why too much of religion in every sphere of our life is what causes fanaticism.
Mao Tse Tung said - religion is the poison for the masses. Yes, if not poison, it is certainly the opium for the masses. Opium may have medicinal values when taken in small doses for selective use; but Overindulgence leads to intoxication and debars people becoming rational.
That's the reason You need to be selective with what you pick from your religion. It happened in Bangladesh and may happen anywhere.
Terrorism is a Frankenstein. We lost two of our Prime Ministers to this dreaded virus. It destroys the very hands which nourished it once. It destroys its own people. Examples are all around.
People have circulated the story of a 20 year old brave heart who refused to leave his friends during the Dhaka mayhem. The minute detail of his encounter with the perpetrators of violence is surely imaginary. But the very fact that people are circulating it, shows, people desire number of such noble souls to grow. There lies the hope.
The irony is such incidents break trust and faith. There are many Bangladeshi people who are saddened as much as we are. Read many of their posts expressing shock, disbelief and sometimes helplessness.
The crux of my post is sow the seed of love and peace in your child. Teach him that only diversity and coexistence have made this planet beautiful and you are the chosen one to hold this spirit and pass to the future.
You can contact Kamaljit at
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